Take care of your body and spirit


Smoking: Our treatments target trigger points, alleviating withdrawal symptoms and suppressing addiction cravings for a rapid and effective craving free life!


Our Laserworks approach helps control cravings, reduce the desire for alcohol, and supports a healthier lifestyle. It is a rapid solution for managing drinking habits, with effective sessions in under an hour.

Weight Loss

Our Laserworks method controls appetite, minimizes hunger cravings, and speeds up metabolism, eliminating sugar cravings. Our personalized Weight Management plans include primary sessions, follow-ups, nutritional guidance, and motivational support, providing the tools and inspiration to achieve and sustain your goals safely and effectively.


With bio-electric tech to target the body's trigger points, alleviating anxiety by impacting stress-sensitive brain areas. Our protocols specifically address the cycle of reinforcement in anxiety and depression, reducing thought processes that perpetuate fears and minimizing the likelihood of future occurrences.

A broad range of treatments

we can help with

Smoking Cessation
Weight Management
Substance Use Disorder
Alchohol Use Disorder
Pain Management
Anxiety and Panic Attacks
Stress Relief
Wellness Tuneups
Additional Services

What are boosters?

A booster at Imagine Laserworks is a targeted and time-efficient solution designed to elevate your endorphin levels before facing the challenges of smoking or drinking again. If you find yourself grappling with uncomfortable cravings, our booster sessions, lasting approximately 20 minutes, offer a quick and effective way to reinforce your commitment. Unlike a full treatment, which takes about 1 hour, a booster is a focused session to provide rapid relief and support in managing cravings, ensuring you stay on track towards your goals.

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These are our most commonly asked questions

What does Imagine Laserworks do?

We are an international organization that uses bio-electric stimulation to assist with a variety of addictions and other health concerns.
The technology is completely safe, painless and drug-free.

How effective are the protocols?

Results are well documented and are high when compared to alternative methods.
Each protocol is customized to suit the individuals needs and success rates vary from person to person.

How does bio-electric stimulation work?

Bio-electric stimulation combines traditional Chinese Medicine principles with the stimulation of acupressure points using a bio- electric device designed to match the natural current of the body.

Is bio-electric stimulation medically approved?

Fully trained and specialized staff use FDD and Health Canada approved technology and protocols created by Imagine Laserworks to assist our customers to overcome their addictions, mental health and physical challenges.


  • I highly recommend Imagine Laserworks. I was a heavy smoker of 35 years and haven’t had a cigarette since my initial treatment. Marie was wonderful!
    Shelly L
  • I have had a long struggle with anxiety and PTSD and after 1 treatment I felt like I just wasn’t sweating the small stuff like usual!
    Jessie G
  • I started vaping during the pandemic to help with my stress not knowing how harmful it would be! I tried to stop but the cravings were just too intense for me. So I found imagine and it was amazing the staff was so helpful and after my first session my cravings where gone!
    Jonathan R

Quit Bad habits in Less Than an Hour

Drawing on centuries-old acupuncture wisdom and incorporating modern knowledge and technology, Imagine Laserworks offers a natural and effective portfolio of programs to empower clients in addressing health issues—no needles, no drugs, no drawbacks!




665 Earl Armstrong Rd. #5 (Riverside South) Ottawa, KIV 2G2


Mondays 10-7 PM

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